Can a person with low blood pressure or high blood pressure do the Ramadan fast?
A person who suffers hypertension but whose tension is well regulated by its treatment can make the fast. But she may have to talk to her doctor so that he can adapt the treatment and the times of intake.
A person who suffers hypotension but who is in good health must above all make sure that she drinks enough water and that she eats enough salt when breaking the fast.
Can you do Ramadan with diabetes?
People who suffer from diabetes but who are in good shape thanks, in particular, to their hygiene of life and their treatment, can make Ramadan. But it is advisable to talk to the doctor so that the latter anticipates possible hypoglycemia crises and adjusts the medical treatment according to this long period of fasting.
As for meals, in the morning it is necessary to favor the consumption of slow sugars such as wheat or semolina which will stabilize blood sugar. And in the evening, start by eating quick sugars which will quickly increase blood sugar (fruit for example) before going to the table. Note that diabetics who need regular doses of insulin to control their blood sugar should not fast.
Can a migraine sufferer fast without a problem?
People who suffer from violent migraines Uncontrolled people should not fast as this may trigger seizures. The priority is to find the right treatment who will control migraines before considering Ramadan.
From what age can children fast?
Fasting is not recommended for children under 7 or 8 years old. Beyond that, we must make children understand what this implies and start by making them fast for several hours and not a full day. From adolescence, children can do Ramadan alongside their parents.