More than half of French children dine in the evening while watching the television news. Because it affects children, the massacre at Sandy Hook School in Newtown particularly attracts the attention of children. And one may wonder what a child feels in front of these images where one is sometimes close to “live death”?
In addition, the child cannot die because most of the time the reality of death is hidden from him. Beyond this analysis, what to say to his child? Well, first rule, always the truth. Explain things to him calmly, not hiding his own emotion. Even if the parents must be strong, the child will understand his discomfort all the better if he feels a communion of emotion with the rest of the family.
Second rule, do not leave him alone with these images, and talk about the world of adults. By concluding on the absurdity of these images and on the effort that everyone must provide so that all this does not happen again.
The emotional level being essential, do not hesitate to give the explanation in the form of a big hug, in order to try to reduce the image effectively.
However, we must insist on the notion that the family table is the university of life and that before the age of 8-10 years, at this university, the courses should not be given by the presenter of the television news. but by parents. Even if it is true that it is easier to use the zappet than its language, this protection is essential, the televised information should become accessible, at the earliest, only at the time of the entry. in 6th.