The Secretary of State for Equality between Women and Men has announced the establishment of a single maternity leave. Freelance women will be better paid.
Reconciling motherhood and work was one of the blogger’s hobbyhorses. Marlène Schiappa is now Secretary of State in charge of Equality between women and men. And she continues her fight. This 1er June, in the France 5 program Kindergartens, she announced the simplification of maternity leave. A single format will soon be implemented.
From this summer, all women will be able to claim the same maternity leave “whatever their status, whatever their professional activity”, underlines Marlène Schiappa. This commitment was among President Emmanuel Macron’s campaign promises.
The Secretary of State’s objective is clear: to provide access to reasonable and well-paid rest for women who, until now, have been in a gray area.
Standardize rights
“Employee women have a maternity leave of about fifty days, which is rather well paid, underlines Marlène Schiappa. On the other hand, women freelancers, self-entrepreneurs, intermittent performers (…) have scattered maternity leaves, less well paid and above all much shorter. »
This is particularly the case for liberal doctors whose situation changed in March. The allowance is paid according to their working conditions. Those who do not operate fee overruns will receive 3,100 euros for three months, against 2,066 euros in sector 2. But this scheme excludes replacements.
This time, Marlène Schiappa wants to bring together all the active women within the same category, with a single maternity leave… including when the status is difficult to place in a box.
At present, the maternity leave is rather simple for employed women. Its duration varies from 16 to 46 weeks depending on the pregnancy. But many exceptions exist, relating to night work, exposure to certain products… So many details that should be managed more efficiently.