Following on from both previous reviews, the new European report Euro-Peristat presents a snapshot of perinatal health in 2015 for 28 member countries of the European Union, in addition to Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.
Cesarean side, France is rather well placed. Since 2010, the overall rate has remained stable while it has increased significantly in 17 countries out of 31. With 1 cesarean section for 5 births (20.2%), France is in 7th place out of 31 countries, which the class in the group of countries with the lowest rate.
But France, on the other hand, ranks among the poor performers when it comes to stillbirth (stillborn children). With 3 deaths per 1,000 births, after excluding medical terminations of pregnancy, it ranks 21st in Europe. For the neonatal mortality (death in the 1st month) which represents 2.4 per 1000 live births, it ranks 23rd.
Risk factors: late pregnancy and smoking
This report highlights an unfavorable development of certain risk factors in France:
- The aging of women giving birth: the country is in 14th place with 20.6% of women aged 35 and over during their first pregnancy.
- A rate of twin births important: France is in 22nd place with 17.1 per 1000 births.
- Tobacco use during pregnancy: 16.3% of women continue to smoke in the 3rd trimester, which places the country 20th out of the 22 countries with statistics on this subject, while the trend is downward in almost all The other countries.
Read also :
Infant mortality: the sad record for Seine-Saint Denis
Infant mortality: one in two deaths before the age of one month