Sexologists are always struck by the fact that pregnancies are more numerous on vacation; in particular, during the girl’s first sexual intercourse.
However, with the pill and the condom, teenage girls benefit from much more effective protection than that of their grandmothers, and women know their probable dates of ovulation better and better.
This is without taking into account the sun and the changes of rhythm due to the holidays, two factors which are known to disturb the normal functioning of the ovaries. This is why, with alcohol no doubt helping a great deal – and teenage girls should be warned against this type of drunkenness – many young girls find themselves on a summer morning a little in the dark about what is happening to them. arrived.
According to a study, out of 10,000 young girls concerned, in more than 99% of cases, the prospect of pregnancy was inconceivable.
It is therefore absolutely not necessary to wait for a delay in menstruation to act, especially since in summer, the duration of the cycles is extremely variable. Because, for those who absolutely do not want children, at least too soon, it will be necessary to practice a voluntary termination of pregnancy, an abortion, this is what the medical procedure is called.
Even if it no longer has the sordid appearance of the past, when it was clandestine, abortion remains a serious act that will mark a black stone in the conscious or unconscious sexual life of the young woman.
In fact, the reaction can be much faster. It is now easy and perfectly legal. The famous “morning after pill” is available without a doctor’s prescription in all pharmacies. A very short treatment, without many side effects, with minimal contraindications.
The Americans use another method, very little applied in France mainly by ignorance, and which has the advantage of being able to be used a little later than the morning after pill: the installation of an IUD. While this was reserved for women who had just given birth and did not wish to take the pill, the new IUDs offer an effective, painless and safe solution for those who have thought a little too long.
However, if these solutions can now solve real potential dramas, they should absolutely not be considered as means of contraception. From the first reports, especially if they are not protected by the boy – remember that the fight against sexually transmitted diseases should protect all reports especially on vacation – a visit to a general practitioner is essential to access his life of woman with all the serenity that the beauty of the moment imposes.