PlayStation wants to bring more games to PC

PlayStation wants to bring more games to PC

Sony announces it plans to bring many more PlayStation games to PC and mobile devices, many of which are now available for PS4 and PS5.

Now Sony brings about a quarter of its own video games to PC, but by 2025 that number should be close to fifty percent. The idea behind this is that Sony will gain access to a larger share of the market and thus not have all its eggs in a PlayStation basket.

By investing in the PC market, a significantly larger proportion of gamers gain access to previously exclusive PlayStation games. This also means that a larger market is created, which is of course not entirely unimportant for the company that relies heavily on its PlayStation brand.

PlayStation games on PC

Sony did not hide these plans before. The company has previously brought titles such as Horizon: Zero Dawn, God of War and Days Gone to the platform. It also founded a PC label and recently acquired a developer that ported games to the PC.

In addition, the Japanese video game giant wants to further focus on the mobile games market with PlayStation Studios. Sony wants to enter into partnerships with third parties, but also wants to put its own studios on games that must then come to Android and iOS.

Finally, Sony wants to have twelve so-called live-service games by 2025. These are games that should last much longer and don’t force consumers to buy a new version every year, for example. Such games often receive many (free and paid) content updates.

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