May 18, 2016.
According to an American study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Internal Medicine, regular physical activity decreases the risk of developing cancer of the colon, rectum, breast and endometrium.
The need for regular physical activity
Physical activity is necessary to stay healthy, it can also help us avoid developing certain cancers. This is what a team of researchers from the American National Cancer Institute (NCI) reveals in a study. According to them, 150 minutes of sport (running, swimming, cycling …) per week would reduce the risk of 13 types of cancer.
To reach these conclusions, the researchers studied the medical data of 1.44 million people, aged 19 to 98, in the United States and Europe, over a decade. ” Our results show that the link between exercise and cancer risk reduction may be generalized to different population groups including among overweight and obese people and those who have smoked Says Dr. Steven Moore, NCI researcher and lead author of the study.
Concrete results of the study
Concretely, according to this study, regular physical activity reduces the risk of developing lung cancer from 23% to 29%; from 15% to 30% for kidney cancer; from 13% to 63% for esophageal cancer; 8% to 30% for myeloid leukemia; 8% to 28% for bladder cancer; from 7% to 22% for head cancer and suddenly; from 5% to 36% for stomach cancer; from 5% to 28% for a risk of melanoma; from 2% to 45% for liver cancer; 8% to 32% for endometrial cancer; from 8% to 23% for colon cancer; from 7% to 13% for breast cancer; and 5% to 15% for rectal cancer.
For all cancers, the decrease in risk resulting from regular physical activity was, on average, 7%. According to the study authors, 1 in 3 people around the world do not get the minimum recommended exercise for good health.
Read also: Fitness: the best reasons to be active