3 million people now have a personalized medical file (DMP), which Health Insurance welcomes in a press release.
“The Shared Medical Record must become obvious to all French people like the Vitale card”, declared the Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn on November 6th. It would seem that France is on the right track.
The DMP is a computerized medical record offered to patients, which stores all medical data. The aim is to improve the coordination, quality and continuity of care between all health professionals, in the city, in the hospital or in nursing homes. For example, if you are sick on vacation, the doctor consulted will be able to have access to all your current or past treatments, which it is often difficult to have perfectly in mind.
3 million open DMPs
Since the beginning of the generalization phase of this digital health record to the whole territory, 3 million people now have one. According to a press release from Health Insurance, “more than 200,000 DMPs are now open each week on average”.
The symbolic figure of 3 million open DMPs was reached on Thursday December 13, just over five weeks after the official launch of the service on November 6. In detail, during the week of Thursday 6 to Wednesday 12 December, exactly 240,090 files were created in France.
39% of DMPs are created by pharmacists
39% of DMPs are created by pharmacists, 39% by patients on the site dmp.fr, 18% by health insurance funds and 4% by liberal health professionals and health establishments. More than one in two pharmacies (13,000) can now open DMPs, a figure up by more than 50% since November 6th. To date, more than 800,000 DMPs have been created in pharmacies.
It is the inhabitants of Ile-de-France (169,105 open DMPs), those of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region (103,435) and Occitans (94,402) who are the most adept at DMPs. The creation of a DMP is only possible with the consent of the patient. And, apart from him, only the health professionals he has authorized to do so can consult him and feed him. Each person benefiting from a social security scheme, adult or minor, can use it.
“Pandora’s box”
However, the concern for personal data continues to hold back many French people and doctors. “We open Pandora’s box, explains doctor Didier Le Vaguerès, president of the Federation of French doctors in Essonne. Let’s not be naive, this is the beginning of the end of medical secrecy, which does not go fail to benefit the payers who are the complementary health.