It has long been known that vitamin D is essential for the good health of our bones and that it helps fight against osteoporosis. We also know, thanks to multiple scientific studies, that vitamin D is essential for good blood pressure, that she helps to prevent breast cancer as well as multiple sclerosis.
A new study points to the risk of accelerated aging of the brain incurred when our diet is not rich enough in vitamin D. This study conducted on mice by researchers at the University of Kentucky, shows that rodents whose diet was purposely depleted in vitamin D suffered from damage caused by free radicals in the brain. Subjected to a battery of tests, they showed clear signs of cognitive decline with difficulty in memorizing and learning.
A few months ago, another American study showed that vitamin D supplementation slows down the damage caused in the brain. by Alzheimer’s disease. This time, the researchers specify that before considering taking a supplementation, it is necessary to make sure to have a diversified diet sufficiently rich in vitamin D to be sure not to suffer from potential brain damage. Among the best sources of vitamin D (in addition to the 15 minutes daily exposure to the sun) there are: sardines, canned salmon, eggs, milk enriched with vitamins.