Osteoarthritis affects around 10 million French people today. In 40% of cases, it is knee osteoarthritis: premature wear of the knee joint is 3 times more frequent than osteoarthritis of the hip. This disease appears around the age of 40 and becomes more and more frequent from the age of 65.
According to two new studies carried out in the United States, a diet rich in fiber could considerably reduce the pain linked to osteoarthritis of the knee. To reach this conclusion, two observations were made: the first between 2004 and 2006 on 5000 American volunteers (men and women aged 61 on average), the second between 1974 and 2006 on 1200 American volunteers (average age participants in 2003: 54 years old).
At least 15 grams of fiber per day
Results ? The researchers found that people who regularly consumed dietary fiber (at least 15 grams per day) suffered less from their knee osteoarthritis than those who did not. Thus, in the first observation, a high fiber diet reduced pain by about 30%, and this statistic rose to -61% in the second observation, carried out over a much longer period.
In particular, American researchers recommend an increased consumption of whole grains: these insoluble fibers (as opposed to soluble fibers, which are found more in algae, fruits and vegetables) boost intestinal transit, fight against constipation , promote the good health of the intestinal microbiota and the evacuation of heavy metals.
A small precaution anyway: a diet rich in insoluble fiber requires sufficient hydration – water, of course. In addition, if you suffer from a deficiency in minerals (magnesium, calcium, phosphorus…) know that the fibers disturb their absorption. Good to know !
To read :
Knee osteoarthritis: reduce pain thanks to the Internet
Knee osteoarthritis: 4 joint exercises to regain mobility
Aquagym, the ideal sport against knee osteoarthritis