To raise awareness of good oral hygiene reflexes on a daily basis, the French Union for Oral Health (UFSBD) and the Pierre Fabre Oral Care laboratories carried out a major online survey among 22,969 French people. There are a few ways to take good care of your teeth…
First, it is essential to visit (at least) once a year to your dentist, in particular to detect certain pathologies early (caries, gingivitis, etc.). In France, 46% of men have not seen their dentist for at least a year! In addition, 27% of respondents declared themselves to be “in good dental health” even though they had not seen a dentist for more than a year…
Two, it must become a reflex: you have to brush your teeth at least twice a day for 2 minutes, which 26% of French people do not do. Here again, the bad students are these gentlemen: 35% of them recognize “brushing their teeth only once a day” or even “not every day”…
The toothpick, we forget it!
Third, do not forget the interdental cleaning: brushing the teeth only cleans 60% of the surface of the teeth. To eliminate the remaining dental plaque, it is essential to use dental floss (or a brush) at least once a day, which only 13% of French people do – because 3 out of 4 French people think that a toothbrush is enough!
Note: in the event of a “food jam” (understand: when food is stuck between two teeth), there is no question of using a toothpick, as 1 in 2 French people do. risk of gum and cheek injuries as well as the risk of infection. Better to trust dental floss…
Source: UFSBD press release.
Read also :
Too much toothpaste on children’s toothbrushes
8 Grandma’s Remedies for Sore Mouths
The ingestion of a toothpick almost cost him his life