Optimistic people are said to have a 70% lower risk of suffering from sleep disturbances, likely because optimism “acts on symptoms of insomnia through a combination of psychological, behavioral and biological pathways,” according to the researchers.
- One in 3 people suffers from sleep disorders and 45% of 25-45 year olds consider that they sleep less than they need
- The risk of suffering from sleep disorders and / or insomnia would be 70% lower in optimistic people
In France, one in three people suffers from sleep disorders. According to Inserm, 45% of 25-45 year olds say they sleep less than they need and 13% of this same age group consider sleeping a waste of time. What if the quality of our sleep depended on our state of mind? This is what researchers say from the University of Vienna (Austria) whose study was published in the Journal of Sleep Research. According to them, optimistic people have a better quality of sleep.
70% less sleep disturbances
By analyzing data collected in a 2017 online survey of 1,004 people, researchers observed that the risk of suffering from sleep disorders and/or insomnia was 70% lower among optimistic people. A trend probably due to the lifestyle of positive people: “Other studies have shown that optimists exercise more, smoke less, and eat healthier diets. On top of that, they have better coping strategies and feel less stressed in difficult situations. All of these factors could contribute to a better quality of sleep”commented Jakob Weitzer, co-author of the study.
Among those likely to be less optimistic were mainly people who were unemployed, unable to work, had already experienced a depressive episode and/or smoked heavily. Researchers are not yet able to explain precisely why optimism promotes sleep quality, but believe that this state of mind “probably acts on the symptoms of insomnia through a combination of psychological, behavioral and biological pathways”.
“Best Possible Self”
In fact, they advise cultivating this philosophy on a daily basis and recommend the method of Best Possible Self (the best possible me), who “is about trying to imagine an ideal and writing about what the best possible life might look like in the future”. Practicing this work of positive affirmations for several weeks would promote the positive state of mind.
To this we can add that a healthy diet and the practice of regular physical activity reinforce the feeling of well-being. Introducing yourself to yoga, meditation, or taking some time off to do activities you enjoy can also help cultivate optimism. Healthy living is a guarantee of happiness.