Cramp in the sphincter
Cramp in a muscle is a well-known phenomenon, but did you know that the cramp can also shoot in your sphincter? About 10 to 15 percent of the Dutch occasionally suffer from this so-called anus cramp. Especially young adults. Most attacks of anal spasm occur at night.
Anus spasm is a sudden involuntary contraction of the sphincter muscle. This causes pain and discomfort in the rectum or anus. Often the cramp is due to another condition such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, anal fissures (cracks) and tumors or infections in the rectum. Sometimes the complaints arise due to straining during defecation or after ejaculation.
If no underlying cause is found, we speak of proctalgia fugax. It may be related to the irritable bowel syndrome (PDS). Psychological complaints and conditions such as stress, anxiety and depression also seem to exacerbate the cramp.
To attack
The muscle cramp causes severe, sharp shooting pains around and especially above the anus. This usually occurs in sudden short-term attacks, which spontaneously subside and disappear. If you have cramps a few times a year, the cause is probably unknown and harmless.
In case of regular cramps or cramps that are accompanied by other complaints, it is better to visit your doctor. Especially if you also have blood or mucus in the stool have. The cause of this may be harmless, but it is important to rule out something more serious.
By means of a rectal examination, the GP can examine the anus and the beginning of the rectum and make the diagnosis. If the doctor thinks there is an underlying cause, a visual examination (endoscopy or proctoscopy) are performed.
Do it yourself
Relaxation is of great importance. Also try to avoid stress. This can reduce or even prevent the symptoms. A warm bath or hot water bottle can help ease the cramping. In addition, it is good to have a regular bowel movements by drinking plenty of water, eating enough fiber and exercising a lot.
The treatment of anal cramps depends on the cause. If the cramp is caused by an underlying condition, it must be treated. If the cause is unknown and relaxation does not help, you can try to reduce the tension on the sphincter muscle with an ointment, tablets or botox. This is all done in consultation with a doctor.