Fibromyalgia in a nutshell
Fibromyalgia is characterized by diffuse pain in the body which is linked to persistent fatigue, sleep disturbances and an anxiety state. Most patients report that the pain is more severe and occurs more frequently when they are under stress.
However, fibromyalgia is still not understood and medical treatments often target only the symptoms and not the causes of the syndrome itself.
The use of natural treatments
More and more alternative medicines are therefore recommended in the treatment of fibromyalgia, the most common of which are:
- Homeopathy would help reduce the symptoms of fibromyalgia.
In a study on this syndrome, researchers noted that patients who had used homeopathy had their symptoms reduced, unlike those who had received a placebo.
Indeed, fatigue, pain and anxiety seem to be very well treated with homeopathy.
- Hydrotherapy would also give good results on fibromyalgia.
Studies published in 2008 show that balneotherapy, swimming pool exercises and spas would have reduced the pain caused by fibromyalgia and improved the quality of life of patients.
- Sophrology is especially recognized for reducing the effects of stress.
Indeed, many fibromyalgia patients believe that stress seems to be one of the causes of their syndrome.
Sophrology offers two techniques: dynamic relaxation from the East, which includes exercises borrowed from yoga and Zen, and mental relaxation, which requires visualization and mental suggestion.
- Biofeedback, which is part of the body-mind approaches, would reduce the pain associated with fibromyalgia, according to a study carried out in 2007.
It is about being interested in the link which exists between the emotions and the body of the patient, and to give him back the control over the latter, the close link between the mind and the body being suspected to be at the origin. fibromyalgia.
To go further: Read fibromyalgia outside the box.
Anaïs Lhôte – PasseportSanté.net
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