Music therapy appears to be effective in combating the symptoms of fibromyalgia according to the results of a study published in the journal Pain Management Nursing. The hope of a new treatment for the suffering patients.
Researchers from the University of Granada (Spain) conducted an experiment to analyze the effects of music on patients with fibromyalgia.
They tested music therapy associated with relaxation based on imagery on a group of patients. Patients were provided with a CD so that they could continue treatment at home. The main symptoms of fibromyalgia were evaluated before treatment, 4 weeks after, then 8 weeks after.
At the end of the study, patients reported that this combination therapy reduced self-rated pain levels, restored quality of life and well-being. They also said they were satisfied to be able to continue the therapy independently at home.
“Image-guided relaxation and music therapy, a cost-effective therapy that is easy to implement, shows here its effectiveness in reducing the symptoms of the disease” suggests María Dolores Onieva-Zafra, professor at the Department of nursing and physiotherapy sciences from the University of Granada.
A new therapeutic voice against a disabling disease
The fibromyalgia is a disease that affects between 2 and 5% of the French population, the diagnosis of which is currently difficult to make, its main symptoms also being present in other diseases. In fact, fibromyalgia is “a bilateral diffuse spontaneous musculoskeletal pain condition that has been evolving for more than 3 months associated with the presence of a minimum of 11 tendon-muscular points out of 18 listed”. Fibromyalgia means “fibro” for fibrous tissue. , tendons, “myo” for muscle, “algia” for pain. ”Difficult to treat, this pathology is disabling. All the new therapeutic solutions are a hope for patients who want to improve their quality of life.
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