For several years, experts have looked at radiation from mobile phone waves, suspecting these waves to cause a malignant form of tumor in the brain. From May 24 to 31, scientific experts from the International Agency for Research on Cancer ( a WHO agency) from 14 countries, looked at the long-term health effects of exposure to mobile phone waves. An important study since there are about 5 billion frequent users of mobile phones, especially young adults and teenagers. At the end of their work, the experts classified as “possible carcinogenic” radiation from radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. This decision, voted unanimously, places mobile phone waves in the same category as gasoline vapors.
“Now, this recognition must quickly be followed by effects, in particular with children and adolescents using a mobile” declared the MEP Michèle Rivasi, also a biologist and founder of Criirem, the Center for Independent Research and Information on ElectroMagnetic Radiation.
When, as with cigarettes, will the warning “heavy consumption is harmful to health” on mobile devices? ”She asked.