Seven million French people suffer migraines regularly: a quarter of women aged 30 to 39 are affected! For these people, when a crisis occurs, the best solution is often to lock themselves in the dark, in peace, with a medicine … and wait for it to pass.
Except that according to a recent Swedish study (published in the specialized journal Cephalalgia), the running would be an effective alternative to chemical painkillers, which sometimes have unpleasant or even harmful side effects. To reach this conclusion, the researchers followed 81 patients, all prone to migraine attacks, for 3 months.
They formed three working groups: the first volunteers had to run for at least 40 minutes, three times a week. The second were to follow
a pain relief treatment classical (Topiramate) and the third had to practice regular relaxation exercises.
The benefits of endorphins
Verdict: at the end of the experiment, the members of the first group (joggers, therefore) declared a significant improvement in their quality of life (less headaches, better quality of sleep, reduced stress rate, etc.). The improvement was less marked among volunteers in the second and third groups. “When we run, we secrete certain hormones, endorphins. These are recognized natural painkillers, scientists explain. In addition, through sweat, we eliminate toxins, which can make headaches worse, if not provoke them. “
Good for our cardiovascular system, to improve our breathing capacities, our mood, our libido and even our professional performances, running is definitely “the” sport that you have to practice to be in good health … Shall we get started?
To read : music would be a natural pain reliever.