The hot flashes can occur at any time. But some women are only subject to it during the day, while others will be particularly inconvenienced at night. “Doctors do not know why, recognizes Dr Alain Tamborini. We have not identified any particular predisposition”. Still, those who suffer from it do not necessarily have the easiest life, some living a real ordeal. When you’re woken up two or three times a night, forced to change sheets and clothes because of a sweat-soaked bed, you don’t necessarily go through your days in great shape.
THM as a solution
For women who are awakened several times a night, the hormone therapy for menopause (THM) is effective. If the estrogen are prescribed in gel or in tablets, the doctor will adapt the catch according to the chronology of the disorders. “When they are mainly nocturnal, instead of two presses of gel in the morning, we recommend one application or one taken in the evening at bedtime”, underlines Alain Tamborini.
For those in whom hormonal treatment is contraindicated or who do not wish to follow it, the classic therapeutic arsenal offers only one alternative: beta-lactam (Abufene), an amino acid that reduces dilation of blood vessels in the skin, involved in hot flashes. Women have mixed results, but it’s worth a try. If this fails, the doctor will switch to remedies that work at the neurotransmitter level. They are not without side effects, but can kill two birds with one stone when you also havehypertension arterial or depression.
Small tips to avoid as much trouble as possible
-Remember that our homes are often too heated and that the ideal temperature for a room, at any age, is 19 ° C maximum.
-Take an infusion of sage in the evening and a cool shower just before sleeping.
Read also :
Menopause: conquering night sweats
Menopause: 10 solutions to sleep well
Menopause: relieve hot flashes with alternative medicine