A study by Danish researchers shows the benefits of acupuncture for postmenopausal women. This practice notably reduces hot flashes.
Acupuncture is used today to relieve a number of illnesses such as depression, epilepsy, schizophrenia and chronic pain. Although it is more or less effective, it appeals to more and more people. Danish researchers from the Universities of Copenhagen and Southern Denmark have been interested in the effects ofacupuncture on symptoms related to menopause. The results of the study are published in the journal BMJ Open.
Hot flashes for several years
Night sweats, mood disorders, vaginal dryness, urinary leaks or hot flashes. Here are the main symptoms menopause, which can sometimes be troublesome in everyday life. Danish researchers, to analyze the benefits of acupuncture, focused mainly on one symptom: hot flashes. These can last several years and affect more than three quarters of postmenopausal women.
70 women participated in the study. Half of them benefited from a 15-minute acupuncture session per week, for 5 weeks. Each participant completed a questionnaire before the start of the study, then after 3, 6, 11 and 26 weeks.
Reduction of the various symptoms of menopause
Just three weeks after starting the study, the participants said they had fewer hot flashes. After six weeks, 80% of them felt that the acupuncture sessions had helped them. In addition, other symptoms decreased, such as night sweats, sleep disturbances, mood disturbances, and skin or hair problems. If the results are encouraging, the authors indicate that the study includes few participants and that it is spread over a short period. Further research therefore needs to be carried out.