What drugs are prohibited?
Many drugs are not recommended because they are toxic for pregnant women and especially for the fetus. This is why you must remain vigilant and do not take anything without asking your doctor for advice. The same goes for over-the-counter products, which are wrongly considered harmless because they also carry significant risks. This warning also applies to plants, in herbal medicine as in aromatherapy. If many of them solve many small evils, they are reserved for informed followers. If you are a beginner, it is better to first consult a specialist who will be able to guide you. In matter analgesic (painkiller), you can take paracetamol. But in case of nausea, ask your doctor for a suitable treatment. As to antibiotics, those used for benign conditions, based on penicillin for example, can be prescribed to the expectant mother without risk for the unborn child.
What can taking aspirin cause?
It can have dangerous effects on the cardiopulmonary system of the fetus, like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and cause kidney dysfunction. To combat fever or pain, only paracetamol is generally authorized.
Can we get vaccinated
Some vaccines necessary for effective maternal protection are possible (even essential) during pregnancy, such as so-called inactivated vaccines, toxoids or cell fragments (tetanus, polio, hepatitis A or B, cholera, meningococcus, pneumococcus, seasonal flu, etc. ). In addition, the vaccine against yellow fever (live attenuated vaccine) is essential regardless of the term of pregnancy if the trip to the endemic area cannot be postponed. Other vaccines made from living organisms (MMR: measles, mumps, rubella for example) should be avoided to avoid any risk of fetal malformation.
Dangerous or not?
The site www.lecrat.org identifies the effects, unwanted or not, during pregnancy and lactation, of a large number of drugs. The Reference Center on Teratogenic Agents (CRAT) is a public service whose mission is to inform health professionals, in particular about the risks of various agents during pregnancy: drugs, viruses, occupational and environmental exposures, etc.