Excipients are dyes, preservatives or anti-microbials that make it possible to secure the consumption of drugs.
It is necessary to add some molecules to the drugs so that they become consumable without danger. In principle, these added products have no effect on the body. In the magazine Scienceresearchers prove that they can have negative effects on the body.
Necessary excipients
Medications are composed of molecules that heal and other compounds that allow their good assimilation or conservation. These can be dyes, anti-microbials or preservatives. “These ingredients have an essential role and make it possible to guarantee that the active principle of the drug is delivered in a safe and effective way, and this also makes it possible to guarantee its stability or to quickly recognize the pills according to their color”specify the researchers in a communicated. These components are generally called excipients.
Action on enzymes and receptors
Thanks to databases, nearly 3,300 of these compounds have been analyzed by the research team: 38 of them may have interactions with receptors or enzymes in humans. The researchers point out that their study did not analyze the precise effects on the body, but highlight the potential risks. “Our data show that while many excipients are inert, many have adverse effects on human proteins known to have important roles in health.”analyzes Brian Shoichet, author of the study.
Future innovations
Additional studies should be initiated to test these findings in animal models. Scientists will thus be able to determine which excipients actually produce side effects. They believe that most of the problematic compounds can be replaced by harmless substances. “After decades with few innovations in drug formulation, we see this as an opportunity for a public-private partnership between universities, authorities and pharmaceutical groups to seek new and above all better excipients”concludes the author of the research.