An Igas investigation will be launched to identify before September 15 the causes of the malfunctions that disrupted the progress of the classifying events.
The anger of the carbines has been heard. After the fiasco of the national classifying tests (ECNi), the Ministers of Higher Education, Frédérique Vidal, and Solidarity and Health, Agnès Buzyn, assured medical students that they “will ensure that the light is made on these unacceptable dysfunctions”.
Last week, the 8,900 students had to retake two canceled tests because several subjects had already been presented to students during mock exams. A mistake already made during the 2016 boarding school competition.
Exasperated, the students, through the National Association of Medical Students of France (ANEMF), demanded sanctions and measures “so that this does not happen again”. A request also expressed by the conference of deans of medical schools.
In response, the supervisory ministries have promised that an Igas/IGAENR (1) investigation will be launched. She will have to identify “before September 15 the causes of these repeated problems and the means to prevent them from recurring”.
Reform the boarding school competition
The ANEMF and the ministries have also agreed on the need to put the annals online so that all candidates have equal access to them, as well as on the interest of changing the organization of the boarding school competition. Thus, during the next ECN, the subjects will be isolated in order to “allow in the event of difficulty to recompose only one file and not a group of six files”.
The ministers also spoke out for a fundamental reform of this examination responsible for assigning a specialty to each student. “The fact that a single test determines their professional project, while by definition it only assesses a small part of their skills, constitutes an additional source of stress for future doctors”, they explained.
A ministerial mission should thus be “entrusted to a personality” to improve these conditions of evaluation. The proposals should be made by the end of the year, specifies the ANEMF.
(1) General Inspectorate of Social Affairs / General Inspectorate of National Education and Research Administration