The new agreement will lead to a price increase for doctors, promises the Minister of Health.
“I have already had the opportunity to say it: this (medical) agreement will lead to a price increase, the framework of which remains to be defined”. This is the commitment made by Marisol Touraine, Minister of Health, this Thursday, during his greetings to the press. A statement that doctors and their representatives will appreciate on the eve of conventional negotiations with Health Insurance.
Divided medical unions
THE’current medical convention, signed in 2011 with the main unions representing liberal doctors (CSMF, MG, SML, FMF), expires on September 26, 2016. For this reason, the Health Insurance would like to start negotiations in February to complete the file in July .
August 26, 2016 will be the deadline for the signing of this text which governs relations between doctors and Health Insurance, in particular on the value of medical tariffs (consultation, technical acts).
But in their order from the Health Insurance, the central unions will have a strong opponent, a very tight budgetary situation. THE’National health insurance expenditure target (ONDAM) was set at an all-time low of 1.75% for next year. And in this context, the union leaders are already starting to divide.
MG France, the first general practitioners’ union, gave its roadmap for the negotiations. Composed of four main objectives, it includes the recognition of fair pricing between general practitioners and specialists, ie a consultation at 25 euros, instead of 23 today.
Dr Claude Leicher, president of MG France: ” The first objective of the negotiation is equity for general medicine, i.e. 25 euros for a consultation… “
For his part, Luc Duquesnel, president of the UNOF-CSMF is fighting for a base rate of 30 euros. The second general practitioner union, the FMF, has decided for a consultation between 42-45 euros.
Dr Luc Duquesnel, president of the UNOF-CSMF: ” 25 euros is well below what the consultation price should be. We can’t imagine starting the new agreement with this base price… “
The search for a common platform
Member of the social security financing law assessment and control mission (LFSS), the deputy The Republicans du Loiret, Jean-Pierre Door, recognizes that the act of consultation has been very undervalued for a number of years.
And do not hesitate to say that tariffs to be programmed over time of up to 30 euros would be reasonable. But time, general practitioners visibly have no more to give, all recall that the price of the consultation has been blocked at 23 euros since 2011.
Jean-Pierre Door, deputy of Loiret: ” There is a limit to the increase in C given the economic situation, but savings must be made elsewhere than on general practitioners… “