Manuel Valls has remained firm with the doctors’ unions. He announced a conference with practitioners after the Health Law was passed. The provocation too much for professionals.
While the deputies voted in committee on Wednesday night for the government amendment to the Health bill introducing the generalization of third-party payment, Manuel Valls received this Thursday angry doctors.
And the conflict between the two parties will continue since the meeting between the Prime Minister and representatives of the trade unions, in the presence of Marisol Touraine, turned out to be unsuccessful. The unions report the impasse of the situation.
One more provocation according to the unions
In a press release, the UNOF-CSMF (1), one of the main unions of general practitioners, denounces “the headlong rush in which this government has engaged with a Minister of Health who calls for an accelerated procedure – despite the multiplication of amendments, the debate will be limited to one week – to get his law passed and thus avoid a democratic debate. “
The union is also offended that “while accusing the doctors of being” mean “to her, the Prime Minister announces a Health Conference which will only be held after the law has been voted! “
For these practitioners, the schedule of this “Grenelle” is therefore another provocation, and not an outstretched hand.
A strike during a “Dead Health Day” on March 31
For this reason, the UNOF-CSMF therefore calls for a “Dead Health Day” on March 31, the day when the debate on the health bill begins in the National Assembly. With a closure of medical offices and a strike of the nursing staff from March 30 at 8 p.m. to April 1 at 8 a.m.
The union is also asking all liberal general practitioners to continue their administrative strike (Attending Doctor statement, work stoppage, etc.) without penalizing their patients through the teletransmission strike. In addition, this union wants professionals now to refuse to receive health insurance representatives and medical advisers in their offices.
Contacted by Why Doctor, Dr Jean-Paul Hamon, president of the Federation of Doctors of France (FMF), also confided his disappointment. He thought that after the exceptional mobilization of doctors on March 15, the government would be more inclined to give in to the demands of doctors. He indicates that he has asked the Prime Minister for the outright withdrawal of the bill.
(1) National Union of French General Practitioners-Confederation of French Medical Unions