Native to Peru, maca is a root with energizing virtues which would act on fatigue. The benefits of maca also include positive effects on fertility, sexual desire and menopause-related disorders. Maca root definitely has it all!
Name: Maca, Peruvian ginseng
Scientific name : Lepidium peruvianum
Botanical family: Brassicaceae
Parts used: roots
Indications: physical fatigue, stress, aphrodisiac, menopause, hot flashes
Preparation: powder
Where to buy organic maca?
Nicknamed the Peruvian Ginseng, maca is a tuber from the highlands of Peru (3500 m altitude). This energizing medicinal plant is known for its aphrodisiac properties.
It measures 10 to 20 cm and it is its root, in the shape of a pear of variable color (white, yellow, brown, red or black), which interests in herbal medicine. Generally, after its harvest, it follows a natural drying process, in the sun, in order to preserve all its benefits.
The benefits of maca for libido
Maca acts both on the female libido and the male sexual vigor. This aphrodisiac natural improves the quality and production of sperm and eggs. It also promotes thickening of the uterine lining, which is essential for the embryo to hold on properly and develop.

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It is also recommended for frigid women and has proven effectiveness against erectile dysfunction. With very few side effects, maca root is also energizing and adapts its action according to the specific needs of the body just like ginseng.
The benefits of maca are also valued at the period of menopause. The plant helps reduce the disorders that occur at this particular stage of women’s existence. It limits the loss of estrogen and stimulates their production thanks to phytoestrogens. These promote a reduction in the intensity and frequency of hot flashes as well as mood disorders.
Useful for men too
Finally, the benefits of maca are also appreciated in cases of erectile dysfunction. With few side effects, maca root adapts its action according to the specific needs of the body, just like ginseng.
Maca grows in a unique ecosystem and has in its composition nutritional elements rare at the origin of its benefits such as: saponins, tannins, glucosinolates, amino acids (arginine and histidine). These valuable active ingredients are more concentrated in yellow maca and play an important role in the libido and the sexual functions.
This root contains minerals (zinc, calcium, potassium, iron, iodine, manganese) essential for recovery after exercise. Vitamin B, C, E, D, etc. are also found in maca extracts. However, maca from Peru is special because it has a strong correlation with fertility and the sex hormones.
The health benefits of Peruvian ginseng
- This plant improves the recovery in athletes, pregnant women or women who have just given birth.
- She fights against joint pain and osteoporosis, which often appears during menopause.
- Its consumption increases the capacities of memorization and learning.
- This root boosts the immune system and improves the vitality of the elderly.
- Maca relieves painful periods and regulates the menstrual cycle
- It alleviates certain psychological symptoms such as anxiety, depression.
- It increases the quantity of sperm and the mobility of sperm.
- This remedy relieves pain and has expectorant qualities.
- She fights the stress, anemia and free radicals.

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How to take advantage of the benefits of maca?
To benefit from the benefits of maca, it can be consumed in the form of capsules, tablets, powders, food supplements, spices, dried roots or fresh roots. Each form has a different concentration of active ingredients.
To take advantage of aphrodisiac virtues of maca and relieve menopausal disorders, it is recommended to follow a 2 month cure minimum, with a week’s break at the end of the first month. We then take 2 to 3 g of maca (about 3 level teaspoons) per day divided into 3 doses (morning, noon and evening).
Maca powder has a slight flavor, between the caramel and the hazelnut, which makes it a very easy to use powder. The easiest way is to dilute it in a drink: water, fruit juice, smoothie, tea, milk, infusion…
To optimize its action, we can combine the qualities of other plants as needed. Maca pairs very well with ginger, tribulus, ashwagandha, rhodiola, chlorella, guarana, ginseng, etc.
Contraindications and adverse effects
Rest assured, maca root does not have the same side effects as Viagra or other derivatives. But, in high doses, it could cause an increase in menstrual disorders, a decrease in libido, overweight, insomnia, etc. If you feel unwell after taking this remedy, it is recommended to decrease the doses then to gradually increase again.
Also, its consumption in too large quantity is prohibited to pregnant women, nursing mothers and young children. It is risky to consume maca root powder when you have high blood pressure, thyroid problems, cruciferous allergy, or metabolic syndrome.
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Ingredients (6 people)
- Ginger powder
- 5g powdered maca
- 1 pinch of yeast, salt, lemon zest
- 10g sesame seeds
- 5 cl of water
- 80g of sugar
- 20g soy flour
- 10g of wheat bran
- 80g butter
- 180g wheat flour
In a saucepan, melt the butter with the sugar and water. Add the finely detailed lemon zest. In a salad bowl, mix the flour, bran, ginger, sesame, yeast and salt.
Make a well and pour in the cooled butter and sugar mixture. Form a ball and let stand for about an hour in the fridge. Roll out the dough and cut small rectangles. Bake for 10 minutes at 180 ° C.
Do you know of any other health benefits of maca root? Tell us in the comments.