Several health authorities warn against honeys presented as aphrodisiacs and natural which would contain many active ingredients of drugs with “serious adverse effects”.
- These products contain medicinal active substances not mentioned on the labels such as sildenafil or tadalafil, the active ingredients of Viagra and Cialis.
- Sold only on prescription, these active ingredients can be toxic and are particularly contraindicated in people with heart conditions.
- These products are considered “illegal and dangerous” by the authorities.
Beware of products that are not what they claim to be. The last to be pointed out is the aphrodisiac honey. The Directorate General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Prevention (DGCCRF), the Directorate General for Customs and Indirect Duties (DGDDI) and the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) have alerted against the presence of many active principles of drugs in honeys and jellies presenting themselves as products “aphrodisiacs” and “natural”.
Toxic products
In a press release published this Tuesday, July 27health authorities warn of “serious side effects” to which consumers are exposed. Analyzes carried out jointly by the laboratories of the DGCCRF and the DGDDI “demonstrate that they contain medicinal active substances not mentioned on the labels such as sildenafil or tadalafil” which are the active ingredients of Viagra and Cialis, two drugs against erectile dysfunction.
Sold only by prescription, these active ingredients can be toxic and are “in particular contraindicated in people with cardiac pathologies, due to the serious adverse effects they can generateinsist the authorities in the press release. Several poison control centers have listed in recent months numerous reports of serious adverse effects following the consumption of these products, having caused repeated convulsions, haemorrhages of pulmonary origin, cerebral edema, or major acute renal failure having, for some, led to hospitalizations.”
Don’t eat them at all
These products are considered “illegal and dangerous” by the authorities. Presented as “food supplements for aphrodisiac purposes (…) containing ingredients of natural origin (plants, editor’s note)”, they are sold “especially via the internet or social networks” under the Black Horse Honey or Jaguar Power brands.
The authorities are appealing to all those who have purchased these honeys “Above all, do not consume them and destroy them”. In case of consumption, they even invite to “see a doctor” if it seems necessary.