Patients with borreliosis have announced that they want to file a complaint against the manufacturers of the tests for the disease. They would induce an underdiagnosis.
At the initiative of the association “Lyme sans frontières”, a complaint will be filed in June against several laboratories including BioMérieux and Diasorin, reveals Alsace. The complainants denounce the fact that the screening tests would not be effective. They will be represented by two lawyers Mes Julien Fouray and Catherine Faivre.
Unsuitable American standards
Today all suffering from serious sequelae (motor handicap, deafness…), these 150 patients believe that they were not diagnosed early enough, the fault according to them to the tests and therefore to the laboratories which manufacture them. In France, the number of bacterial strains detected would be lower than in other European countries and the thresholds used to determine whether there is infection or not would not be appropriate. Indeed they are based on American standards, but in the United States the strains of bacteria are different from those found in France. As a result, each year in France, 27,000 people are screened against 300,000 in Germany, where screening is of better quality.
Foreign sourcing
Some medical biologists no longer hesitate to source more reliable screening tests abroad. “There are those who go to Germany or the United States to be diagnosed and treated, because in France, there is nothing, it’s the desert. And unfortunately, health professionals like me who want to denounce this are quite simply eliminated from the medical scene ”, denounces Dr Viviane Schaller, biologist in Strasbourg, at the microphone ofEurope 1. She was forced by the Regional Health Agency to shut down her laboratory, after the latter found that she was purchasing tests in Germany.
At the initiative of the “Lyme sans frontières” association, a medical information colloquium will be held at the Strasbourg Convention Center on tick-borne diseases. The two lawyers defending the 150 patients will also be present.
Meet the Health Guest of May 14, 2016 with Prof. Christian Perronne, infectious disease department
of the Poincaré hospital in Garches (92)