The death rate after treatment for lung cancer in the elderly is lower after targeted radiation therapy than when the patient is treated with surgery.
Almost 30,000 people die from lung cancer each year. It is the deadliest cancer in men and the second leading cause of cancer death in women.
To treat this type of cancer at an early stage, you must either operate or have radiotherapy. American researchers have shown that targeted radiotherapy is less dangerous for the elderly.
An even greater difference from the age of 80
The study was conducted at the University of Colorado Hospital, and the results were published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. The researchers relied on data from nearly 85,000 patients.
2.1% of patients treated with surgery died within one month of the operation. This rate was 0.7% for patients treated with radiotherapy. The gap widens as patients age.
For those aged 80 and over, the mortality rate was 3.9% for patients treated with surgery, and 0.9% for patients treated with radiotherapy.
A solution for patients at risk
In the United States, surgical treatment is the most recommended for treating localized cancers. Targeted radiation therapy is an emerging option, but not yet widespread. For Chad G. Rusthoven, the lead author of the study: “For patients with early stage lung cancer who are otherwise in good health and a good candidate for surgery, lobar ablation remains the best choice. standard treatment. Nonetheless, the results of the study are important to consider when discussing treatment options in patients who are at high risk for surgical complications. “
According to a report from the National Cancer Institute in France, lung cancer has had an improvement in its survival rate lower compared to other cancers. This rate was 17% in 2016.