On his Instagram account, television host Pascal Bataille announces that he has lung cancer, but he intends to win this fight against this pathology thanks to the treatments he receives.
- Television host Pascal Bataille announced on his Instagram account that he had lung cancer.
- In 2023, there were 52,777 new cases of lung cancer in France, according to the National Cancer Institute.
- Lung cancer has a poor prognosis, meaning that, despite advances in research, the five-year survival rate remains low.
On December 6, television host Pascal Bataille revealed on Instagram that he had lung cancer. Like him, 52,777 people learned that they suffered from this pathology in 2023, according to the National Cancer Institute. “For two or three months, I have been fighting against lung cancer and, this fight, I am sure that I will win, explains Pascal Bataille, in his post. Firstly, because I am surrounded by fantastic doctors. Then, because I benefit from new care protocols which have made considerable progress in recent years, exponentially. And, finally, because I have great morale, morale that allows me to believe in it as hard as iron and I know, I know that I will recover from this filth.“.
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Lung cancer, leading cause of death in France
As a reminder, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in France, according to the Panorama of cancers in France – 2024 edition. This is said to have a poor prognosis, which means that, despite progress in research, the five-year survival rate remains low. Among people diagnosed between 2010 and 2015, it was around 20%.
In order to treat this disease, there are several possibilities depending on the characteristics of the cancer. When possible, doctors offer patients an operation to remove the lung tumor. Whether there has been surgery or not, the next course of treatment is generally radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy, the objective of which is to destroy the cancer cells.
Lung cancer: “early diagnosis is difficult to make”
“Only early diagnosis allows curative surgery, but lung cancers are often diagnosed at an advanced stage, can we read in the Panorama of cancers in France. The symptoms are not specific to this disease, early diagnosis is difficult to make”.
There are two main categories of lung cancer symptoms, according to the websiteHealth Insurance : respiratory and non-respiratory ones. The first can manifest as sudden shortness of breath, persistent and/or worsening cough, pain in the chest or shoulders, difficulty breathing, sputum containing blood, repeated lung infections such as bronchitis or pneumonia, change in voice or wheezing while breathing. Non-respiratory symptoms are: abnormal fatigue, difficulty swallowing, loss of weight and/or appetite or even swelling of the neck or eyelids.