Nearly 14% leave on an empty stomach in the morning in France, against only 9% ten years ago. And yet, this habit would have no impact on their weight, contrary to what a majority of nutritionists claim. To come to this conclusion, researchers at the University of Alabama went through 92 pre-existing studies and developed a new protocol.
A century of “Exaggerations”?
With breakfast, you don’t really know what to do with. For a long time, it was believed that it was a necessary step to maintain a healthy weight. But the latest studies are causing trouble. In 2013, professors David Allison and Andrew Brown had already shown, by a careful examination of the 92 studies interested in the question, that the correlation between the absence of breakfast and the risk of overweight did not exist. They thus highlighted “ exaggerated conclusions ” and ” distorting effects of results Even though some of them were financed by the agro-food industry. This time, they come back to prove their claims with an experimental study.
At noon, we are no less hungry after breakfast
This study tested the effect of a recommendation to take or not eat breakfast on the weight of 283 adult subjects wishing to lose weight. The authors compared the weight changes between a control group (no recommendation), a group eating breakfast, and a group that skipped. At the end of 16 weeks, the result is clear: the recommendation of breakfast has no significant effect on weight loss. And for good reason: whether or not eating breakfast did not change the overall food intake. Thus, in those who skipped breakfast, the average weight loss was -0.61 ± 1.18 kg, in those who ate breakfast – -0.76 ± 1.26 kg and in controls, -0.71 ± 1.16 kg.
” In fact, the effect of breakfast will vary depending on the person »Conclude the authors. It therefore seems that it is better to listen to your satiety signals to maintain a healthy weight. And stop making toast with this increasingly neglected meal?