The sleep disturbancespromote excessive use of social networks at night, according to the results of a study presented to the CHI computer conference in San Jose, California. And in fact, they also increase mood and concentration disorders.
A vicious circle
the lack of sleep was already blamed for affecting mood and productivity. Even more serious, it would promote metabolic disorders, heart problems, and increase the risk of developing chronic diseases such ashypertension, diabetes, the depression, the’obesity and the Cancer. This new study reveals that it would increase dependence on social networks. A vicious circle, because exposure to blue light from screens disrupts the rhythms of sleep.
Researchers at the University of California (United States) followed 76 students day and night. Computers, tablets, and cell phones have been equipped with tracking and recording software. Scientists could thus know how the volunteers used the applications, how they surfed, sent text messages or made calls. Thanks to sensors, they could also analyze their behavior, their physical activity and their level of stress.
Each participant reported on their hours of sleep, their mood, their concentration.
Findings from this study showed that lack of sleep made people more easily distracted, with their attention shifting between screens and apps.
“When you sleep less, you are more easily distracted”, explains researcher Gloria Mark, in charge of this study. “If you’re distracted, what do you do? Asks the scientist. You go to Facebook. It’s light, it’s easy when you’re tired.”
If you cannot find sleep, it is advisable to prefer reading (magazines, books …) to online browsing to find the arms of Morpheus.
Read also:
Infographic: what lack of sleep is doing to your body
Too much texting interferes with sleep and generates stress
Infographic: all you need to know about sleep