One in two retirements will not be replaced at the National Health Insurance Fund. This roadmap, which has not yet been voted, divides the administrators of the Cnam.
“Health insurance is suffocating,” denounces Force Ouvrière. This cry of anger from the union is explained by the announcement of the elimination of 4,500 jobs in four years at the National Health Insurance Fund (Cnam). Concretely, the agreement which has just been concluded between the State and the CNAM provides that nearly one in two retirements will not be replaced in the years to come. Thus, management fees should decrease by 3%.
This roadmap has not yet been signed, but 15 administrators have already given a favorable opinion on this belt tightening (in particular the Medef and the CGPME which represent the employers), 13 others voted against (the CGT, FO, CFE, CGE…) and 7 abstained (CFDT, CFTC…).
Opponents such as Force Ouvrière therefore denounce this massive plan to cut jobs which risks suffocating the National Health Insurance Fund. Michel Régereau, the president of the Cnam, answers that this text “reinforces the health insurance in its missions of guarantor of the access to the rights and the care, of risk management on the whole of the care system”. This plan for non-replacement of retirements is part of the government’s overall plan which targets savings of 1.2 billion. The elimination of 4,500 jobs is not a first at Cnam. The dematerialization of treatment sheets and the possibility of accessing many services via the Internet explain this movement.