Deep relaxation through acupressure
Are you looking for something that gives you peace of mind, which helps you sleep better and even helps you get rid of your pain? Then a nail mat could be the solution. But doesn’t it hurt to lie on ‘nails’? Healthnet tested it for you.
For the test I use a nail mat from BrellaVio: a company that specializes in sustainable relaxation products. The most popular product they sell is the nail mat, also known as Swedish nail mat or acupressure mat.
Acupressure massage technique
I have high hopes for the nail mat, because the product promises quite a bit. For example, it is said to help against stress and muscle pain, improve your energy level and sleep quality, reduce migraine attacks, suppress menstrual pain, help against fibromyalgia complaints and even control ASD (autism spectrum disorder) and ADHD. It would also stimulate the production of happiness hormones (such as serotonin and oxytocin), making you feel happier. This all has to do with the massage technique on which the nail mat is based: acupressure, a part of traditional Chinese medicine.
This age-old technique assumes that you have energy pathways in your body, which normally ensure that your organs receive sufficient energy. If you have physical or mental complaints, you would have blockages on those energy channels. The pressure points of the nail mat (and the corresponding pillow for your neck) exert pressure on these energy channels, so that the blockages disappear and you are rid of your complaints.
I am sensitive to stress and I often have trouble falling asleep. I have also suffered from migraines and stiff neck muscles for years, so this mat really seemed like something for me. But lying on ‘nails’, who does that for fun? Doesn’t that hurt? Fortunately, I read many good and reassuring experiences from other people on the BrellaVio website.
Deep relaxation
And indeed, the (plastic) nails on my back and in my neck felt a bit unpleasant in the beginning. But after a few minutes I felt calmer and I didn’t realize I was lying on the mat. This relaxing effect seems to go even faster after a few uses. Now it even makes me so relaxed that I fall asleep on it. As soon as I wake up, I can feel my skin that the blood circulation is also well stimulated. That’s a nice bonus!
In the time that I have used the mat, I unfortunately still had a migraine attack. So to me it doesn’t seem to help against that complaint (yet), but who knows, in the long run it will. My neck feels much less stiff and more relaxed after a busy day because of the pillow. Very nice, especially when I have tension headaches. As far as complaints are concerned, it is very personal. Because what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another.
Build up
BrellaVio recommends building up the use of the nail mat and pad so that your body can get used to it slowly. For example, start with ten minutes and increase it by five minutes as long as it feels right. The company recommends using the mat for 15 minutes to half an hour every day with as little cushioning as possible. That way you would get the best result.
You can use the mat on both soft and hard surfaces. I use it in bed myself, but if you have a higher pain tolerance you can also use it on the floor. Do you think the pressure points are too intense? Then there is a handy topper for over the mat and the pillow, so that the pressure on your body is less and you can still relax.
Note: when not to use?
Although you could benefit from the nail mat, not everyone can use it. Don’t use it:
- During pregnancy: the happiness hormone oxytocin can induce contractions.
- For skin problems in areas where the mat and cushion are used.
- In case of cardiovascular disease and/or use of blood thinning agents.
Are you in doubt? In that case, first consult with your (family) doctor.
New sleep routine
Conclusion? I am very happy that I was able to test the nail mat, because I really notice that I fall asleep easier and more peacefully. The relaxation I experience through the mat and pillow is also deeper than when I fall asleep without those two. It also helps me with a stiff neck and headache. I now even have a new sleeping routine, because the mat and pillow go with me to bed every night!
This article was written in collaboration with BrellaVio: the nail mat specialist in the Netherlands and Belgium.