While the WHO has triggered the highest level of public health alert worldwide, France has at the end of July some 1567 cases of monkeypox, including 726 in Ile-de-France.
This Monday, July 25, the High Authority for Health seized by the Directorate General for Health, ruled on reimbursement by Health Insurance for diagnostic tests using the PCR method monkeypox (NAAT tests).
First of all, you should know that the diagnosis of infection with monkeypox virus – monkeypox – is primarily clinicalthat is to say, it is necessary to be examined and questioned by a doctor.
The doctor examining the person will rule out other rash illnesses such as chickenpox, hand-foot-mouth disease, shingles, measles, bacterial skin infections, scabies, syphilis, and skin reactions from allergies. THE site of Health Insurance, recalls that the early symptoms of monkeypox are fever, muscle aches, fatigue. Then an extensive rash appears (macules, papules then pustules).
The HAS specifies thata test should only be carried out if there is still doubt after examination of the patient. In short, this test is used to confirm (or not) the infection when the symptoms described or observed are not sufficiently explicit.
How are the tests carried out?
The tests are based on the analysis of Specimens which can be performed on different parts of the body depending on the case. It is concretely a question of taking liquid at the level of the buttons on the hands or the feet for example, even on the sexual organs. These samples can also be taken from the mucous membranes of the mouth or throat if the person has pimples in the mouth or throat. Again, these samples are not necessarily necessary to establish a diagnosis.
Where are the tests carried out?
Screening for monkeypox is done in a hospital or laboratory. In any case, you must first contact your doctor. Depending on your clinical condition, he will decide whether or not to prescribe a screening test.
In Ile-de-France, the regional health agency explain that the laboratories and healthcare establishments are able to carry out the PCR tests so that they can then be analyzed by the reference healthcare establishments in the Ile-de-France (Bichat hospital and Pitié-Salpêtrière).
“If you have any doubts, if you have symptoms that may suggest a Monkeypox infection, if you have been in contact with a person suffering from the disease, make an appointment with your doctor so that he can prescribe a screening,recommends Dr. Adrien Dereix, interviewed by Top Santé.
Although the disease is mostly mild, it most often heals spontaneously after 2 to 3 weeks. That said, it is important not to wait in case of doubt because the disease can be complicated in people at risk (immunocompromised, under treatment, in case of pregnancy, etc.). “It may in particular be a question of lung or cerebral damage (encephalitis), or even a superinfection of the pimples by a bacterium”explains Dr. Dereix.
While waiting for the results of the analysis, isolation (3 weeks) is essential in order to transmit the virus. In its opinion of July 25, the HAS stresses the need to report the results of these tests as quickly as possible, since they impact in particular the maintenance or lifting of isolation.
While awaiting diagnosis and in case of doubtthe health authorities give the following advice:
- Contact your healthcare professional if you are taking PrEP or HIV treatment. Otherwise, contact your GP
- Isolate yourself in a room if possible
- Particularly avoid contact with the most fragile people (pregnant women, young children, immunocompromised people)
- Limit situations of physical contact, especially sexual intercourse, while waiting to have a test and find out if you are sick or not
- Wear a mask even if you don’t have a sore throat
- Try to wear clothes that cover pimples well.
- Try not to scratch the lesions as this may leave scars
- Avoid touching another area of your body if you have touched pimples, you risk creating other pimples
- Do not touch your eyes after touching pimples to avoid damaging your cornea
People with symptoms suggestive of a monkeypox infection (Monkeypox virus) can call SAMU-Centre 15 for referral.
The Minister of Health, François Braun, announced on Monday July 25 the opening of a large vaccination center in Paris. “Tomorrow, in Paris, opens a center which will be able to very significantly increase the volume of vaccinations. To date, more than a hundred vaccination centers are in place” throughout the territory, he explained. on BFMTV.
Sources and additional information:
- ARS Ile-de-France
- Ameli
- Information website sexosafe (French Public Health)
Read also:
- Can you get monkeypox from eating contaminated food?
- Monkey pox: is it transmissible to pets?
- Monkey pox: why we should observe a decline in cases