Every year, accidents occur because of the firecrackers used by individuals to celebrate the national holiday. Misused, they can cause serious injury.
- Household firecrackers should be handled with care, as serious accidents occur every year.
- The Ministry of the Economy recalls a few basic rules.
Many fireworks are canceled this year. Municipalities want to avoid the risk of contamination during this period of the Covid-19 epidemic. To maintain this symbolic event of July 14 in their own way, some may choose to make a fireworks display from their garden. This type of firecrackers for home use should be handled with care, as accidents occur every year.
Complex wounds to treat
There are two peak periods for injuries from firecrackers or fireworks: July 14 and New Years. “The hands and eyes are the most affected organs. The affected subjects are the youngest, and the cost of disability in these population segments is enormous, explained the French Society of Orthopedic and Traumatological Surgery in a press release published in 2015. Hand injuries are complex because multi-tissue: bones and soft tissues (tendons, muscles, vessels, nerves and skin). They pose a technical challenge to the possibilities of surgical repair despite the enormous progress of this surgery.”
These injuries are often accompanied by burns or even infections, which complicates the task of doctors. “Over all these hands victims of firecrackers or fireworks hovers the specter of single or multi-digital amputations”, underlined the specialists. The face, eyes and hearing can also be damaged in the event of an accident. Moreover, these festive evenings are often alcoholic, and this increases the risk of mishandling or lack of vigilance. “Every year, fingers are torn off during games which consist of keeping a lit firecracker in your hand for as long as possible”, indicates the DGCCRF in a communicated.
How to use them safely?
the Ministry of Economy reminds you of a few basic rules: read the instructions carefully, take the weather conditions into account, notify the town hall and the fire department that a fireworks display is being organized on private land, etc. At the time of use, vigilance must be total. The newspaper The Public Good Explain : “provide means of extinction (water, fire extinguishers, etc.) nearby. On D-Day, ask your guests to stay a good distance from the shot, do not smoke during the handling and prefer covering and protective clothing. If a artifice did not work, above all do not try to relight it and neutralize it by covering it with water or sand.” If, despite these precautions, an accident occurs, it is necessary as far as possible to go to a specialized center “SOS Mains”, if not to an emergency service. Dr. Colin De Cheveigné, hand surgeon at the Clinique de L’Union, near Toulouse, precise to Actu.fr the actions to adopt: you must “quickly wrap the affected hand” and “operate a compression bandage in the event of bleeding”.
Precautions when buying
The sale and use of firecrackers is regulated in France. They are classified into different categories according to their level of danger: F1, F2, F3 and F4. The first can be purchased from 12 years old, and the others from 18 years old. The F4 models are reserved for professionals. The products sold must comply with European regulations and bear the “CE” mark. Cities or prefectures may prohibit the sale of fireworks and their transport at certain times of the year. Before you start, it is essential to educate yourself.