Is it unhealthy to reuse tea bags? Patricia Schutte, nutritionist, answers.
You can reuse tea bags without any risk. Tea is not that sensitive to bacteria. In addition, you put the tea bag back in boiling water, which kills any bacteria.
If you reuse the bag, the tea will have a less strong taste. The concentration of the beneficial bioactive substances may also decrease somewhat. These substances in the tea help to lower your blood pressure and thus reduce the risk of a stroke. That is why the advice is to drink 3 cups of green or black tea every day. Herbal tea does not count, because this ‘tea’ does not come from the tea plant.
In any case, tea without sugar is a healthy choice and much better than drinks with sugar, such as soda or juice. Tea is therefore, together with water and coffee, in the Wheel of Five. Read more about it here tea.
Do you also have a question? Then ask one of our experts. Always go to your doctor with urgent questions, the experts are not the right person for that. They also do not diagnose. You can find the other conditions here.
Patricia Schutte has been working as an information officer at the Nutrition Center in The Hague for more than 25 years. She answers questions about healthy, sustainable and safe food.