January 24, 2018.
In the United States, a sushi enthusiast found himself with a four-foot-long worm in his intestines, the origin of which is traced to the ingestion of raw fish. How to avoid being contaminated in turn?
What is the cause of the presence of this worm?
Catching a worm while eating sushi is going to horrify heavy consumers of Japanese food. Yet this is what happened to a person in California who ended up with a three foot tapeworm in their intestines. According to the doctors, there was no doubt, it was because he had eaten raw fish that this young man had ended up with a parasitic worm in the body.
How then to avoid finding yourself in such a situation? ” The larvae can be ingested when the fish is raw, undercooked or if it has not been frozen », Explains Marie-Laure Dardé, professor of parasitology at the University of Limoges, in the columns of the Figaro. ” It only takes one piece of contaminated fish, it is not the excess of sushi which is at the origin of the infection in this young man “.
In France, is such an accident possible?
This tells us a little more about the risks of contamination. In France, such an accident should not normally occur since, since 2004, a European regulation makes compulsory ” freezing treatment “ ” for all fishery products derived from fish or cephalopod molluscs “, If they are” intended to be eaten raw “. It is also necessary that restaurateurs respect this rule.
This rule also applies to ourselves. If we want to get into Japanese cuisine, we are advised to freeze our fish at least a week before cooking it. Freezing at – 20 ° C makes it possible to destroy the larvae. If you want to cook it, know that only cooking at 65 ° C and above can eliminate any risk of contamination.
Marine Rondot
Read also: How to treat a tapeworm?