May 11, 2009 – The spread of the influenza A (H1N1) virus is slowing down in Mexico and Canada. The number of cases in Quebec has remained the same over the past two days, with 16 people suffering from a mild form of the disease.
However, the number of countries where the virus is emerging is on the rise. And the virus claimed its first victim outside North America, in Costa Rica.
As for the number of cases of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection in the United States, it has almost doubled in a few days. According to experts, this increase in cases is attributable to better detection of the virus, since the discovery of its genetic sequencing by the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg.
Indeed, according to Éric Frost, specialist in microbiology and infectious diseases at the University of Sherbrooke, this breakthrough will make it possible to refine the screening tests for the virus and to follow its evolution for the development of a possible vaccine in the fall.
“Thanks to the decryption of the virus, researchers will be able to follow its evolution to develop a vaccine, but also to monitor the resistance of this strain to existing antivirals, such as Tamiflu”, notes the researcher. These analyzes will also make it possible to compare its similarity with other existing influenza viruses and possibly trace its origin.
A mutation to fear?
“The A (H1N1) virus may have had its origins in the famous Spanish flu and has remained in humans since 1918. It changes a little bit each year, so people who were infected there a year or two no longer have antibodies to protect against this altered virus and become ill. We can fear that this virus will become more deadly in the fall, but we cannot predict it, ”explains Éric Frost.
Can the surgical mask interfere with the spread of the virus? “Wearing a surgical mask is not very effective in protecting yourself from this virus, but it is very important to protect other people if you are infected with the virus. If everyone had a few masks at home, people could use them if they have the flu or a respiratory infection, ”says Eric Frost.
Strengthen your immune system
Although the virus appears to be weakening in Canada, vigilance remains in order. The principles of prevention still apply: wash your hands regularly, cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, and stay home if you feel sick. (See our news on this subject: Influenza A (H1N1): what you need to know.)
Another good way to protect yourself against the flu virus at all times is to strengthen your immune system: you just need to adopt the basic principle of a healthy lifestyle. Here are the highlights :
- Eat well, that is, have an adequate intake of calories and protein, drink five to eight glasses of water per day and consume enough fruits and vegetables (as fresh as possible), whole grains, legumes and healthy fats.
- Practice moderate physical activity for about 30 minutes a day.
- No smoking.
- Reduce your alcohol consumption.
- Control your stress.
- Sleep well (on average, a seven-hour night’s sleep is a minimum).
For more details, see our sheet Strengthening your immune system.
Carole Boulé – PasseportSanté.net