Medical fashion is undoubtedly, winter, gastro… Small, very small, large, very large, no one escapes. “Gastro” has become synonymous with stopping work, or at least severe fatigue. We would almost substitute it for depression.
As always, in medicine, under this nice diminutive hides a word a little more complicated, here, gastroenteritis. Which quite simply means inflammation of almost all of our intestines. This also explains the symptoms, almost always vomiting and diarrhea, most of the time fever and pain in the stomach. This inflammation can have multiple causes, but the one that worries the French today is of infectious origin.
Food or human-to-human contamination
As in any infectious disease, there must be contamination. It can be food, most often, undercooked pork, beef or a dairy product that has “dragged” a little long in the refrigerator, or even somewhat dubious seafood… No diagnostic hesitation in this case . A few hours after the meal, the state of discomfort becomes intense. Sometimes there is a real state of shock, and the bill pays off quickly to the great relief of the sufferer. In the case of the current epidemic, the contamination is as we say “human-to-human”. No need to look aside your neighbor, the transmission modes are still a mystery. In fact, it doesn’t matter what the cause is because you can’t fight it. It is more interesting, on the other hand, to be interested in the age of the one who suffers.
Beware of dehydration
Because if most of the time, the inconvenience is quickly temporary – and the imposed diet or even a little beneficial -, it is not the same with the very young or with the “very old”, because the threat is dehydration. . The loss of fluid can, in fact, be extremely important. Up to 1/3 the weight of an infant and endanger the life of the one who undergoes it. You should drink a lot, do not hesitate to call the doctor in case of doubt, who may prescribe infusions, or even emergency hospitalization. This is for the extreme ages of life, let us remember. For the others, there is no need to increase social security, which already pays tens of millions for gastrointestinal illness a year, all the same. Rice, carrots and fruit jellies will straighten the intestine. And, once is not customary, we recommend a drink that doctors do not like very much, but which is nevertheless, by its composition, the best drink of gastro:, ‘is cola – Coke or Pepsi …
So, kids, is the doctor nice?