I have high blood pressure and a heart arrhythmia when I’m very stressed. My doctor is difficult and does not want to give blood pressure lowering medication. I had this one too 10 years ago. That helped a lot. I have also adapted my work. After that I got a different doctor and I finally got medication for two months. I’m still dizzy, but I haven’t had any seizures so far. At first they got more and more intense.
Is my heart damaged? And should I continue with this? I work in terminal care, which is adapted for me. I do have illegal shifts, but it’s quiet. What do you advise me? Do I have to go to the cardiologist?
Relatives have this too and my mother passed away with cardiac arrest. 79 years. Heart movie has been made.
High blood pressure is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The problem with high blood pressure is that it is often not felt. As a result, many people with high blood pressure are not treated properly.
Fortunately, your doctor has already taken steps to lower your blood pressure. In the beginning, lower blood pressure than you are used to can result in dizziness. Of course you have to be careful that the blood pressure does not get too low.
To find out if your heart could be damaged, an ultrasound of the heart should be done. I would discuss this with your doctor first.
Do you also have a question? Then ask one of our experts. Always go to your doctor with urgent questions, the experts are not the right person for that. They also do not diagnose. You can find the other conditions here.
dr. Leonard Hofstra works as a cardiologist at Cardiology Centers Netherlands in the Utrecht branch. Here he sees thousands of patients a year, who are usually referred by their GP. He is also very interested in the impact of lifestyle on cardiovascular disease.