Most people have all kinds of fixations that are more or less justified. Can we overcome our complexes to gain self-confidence? Absoutely ! Complexes are not inevitable. If you say to yourself: “I have a complex”, these tips are for you …
No one needs to be perfect to be happy! The fact of saying “I have complexes” is not a problem in itself. What is annoying is what it prevents you from doing ! For example, being comfortable on the beach.
Have a complex, it happens in the head : it is directly linked to the way others look at oneself and especially to the way people look at oneself. Gaining in self-confidence is accepting who we are in the eyes of others but also in his own gaze.
I have complexes, what should I do?
If you say to yourself “I have a complex”, here is a little exercise that can help build confidence. It consists in questioning three people who are close to you. Just ask them: ” What do you think are the three things I can be most proud of?“.
This will allow you to realize that the look of others is much more lenient and benevolent than the one you wear on yourself.
It will also also help you to improve your outlook on yourself and therefore to put into perspective any complexes that you may have. Many people realize at this point that everyone first thinks of his own complexes and puts the difficulties of others into perspective.
Taming the famous inferiority complex
Understanding the origin of its complexes is not necessarily necessary. What is important is to identify what is currently playing.
If, for example, I have complexes because I do not find myself intelligent enough or that I have the impression of being less efficient than others in my work, then we talk about inferiority complex.
The same causes are often found at the base of an inferiority complex: I was not valued by my parents, etc. We must ask ourselves the question: am I really less gifted than my colleagues, or is it just a feeling that has no real foundation?
Come back to the reality of the moment, free yourself from this emotion that comes from the past. No complex is easier to overcome than another. Overcoming your complexes is not always easy, but it is possible! It takes practice.
Likewise, it is not that easy for everyone to be happy, but anyone can be!
I have complexes but I live with it!
The objective is neither to make one’s complexes disappear nor to deny them, but rather to live with one’s imperfections, to accept them, to learn to use it as a force.
One can be quite happy even with what one initially considers a fault. It is first of all a question of considering this supposed “fault” as a feature, and ask ourselves how it can be useful to us to be happier.
Everyone, at one time or another in their life, needs to regain self-confidence, to be more sure of themselves. There are lots of little exercises you can do on a daily basis to achieve this.
For example: today, do you set the goal of daring to say no to a person to whom you would have usually given in … Nice challenge, no?