This is “the” question that all French people vaccinated against Covid-19 are asking themselves: should we continue to apply barrier gestures when we have received 2 doses of vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus?
To respond to these 5.54 million French people fully vaccinated against Covid-19 (to date, 8.3% of the French population has received 2 doses of vaccine), the High Council for Public Health (HCSP) issued several recommendations, which were published this Sunday, April 25, 2021.
First, even when you are fully vaccinated against Covid-19, there is no question of completely abandoning barrier gestures: the HCSP thus recommends “continue to apply barrier measures during this period, even if you are vaccinated“.
Covid-19: vaccinated people remain potential contact cases
The only easing tolerated: “in a private setting (family or friendly) in a closed indoor environment, all the people together [peuvent] do not wear a mask if they have all benefited from a complete vaccination schedule and on condition that the other barrier measures are respected: hand hygiene, distance between individuals, ventilation and limitation of the number of people to 6“. Nevertheless, this tolerance is disappearing.”as soon as one of the limbs presents a risk factor for serious forms (age, comorbidity)“.
Deuzio, as the HCSP specifies, it is still preferable to “continue including people who have benefited from a complete vaccination schedule in the “contact tracing” policy ” and of “consider that people who have benefited from a complete vaccination schedule remain defined as risk contacts, even if this risk is probably reduced“.
Indeed: if vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus considerably reduce the risk of developing a severe form of Covid-19, Science does not yet know whether vaccination prevents transmission of the virus between humans. Even vaccinated with 2 doses, it is (probably) still possible to transmit the coronavirus to loved ones … In short, we remain cautious.
Read also :
- Covid-19 vaccine: pregnant women transmit antibodies to the baby
- Covid-19: HAS recommends AstraZeneka vaccine for people under 65
- Covid-19 vaccination: 62% of chronically ill people are afraid of side effects