According to an OpinionWay survey published in October 2017, 9 out of 10 French people say they are “stressed”: stress particularly affects women, 60% of whom suffer from it, compared to 38% of men.
What is stress ? “Do not confuse stress withanxietyunderlines the psychologist Antoine Spath. THE stress is always suffered: we stress in the face of a difficult situation at the office, when things get complicated in the couple, when we evolve in a noisy, unpleasant, unsuitable environment… Stress always has an external origin that we can identify. We know “for what reason(s)” we feel stress.“
Conversely, theanxiety comes from within:it is an anticipation of the future: when it is not excessive, anxiety can be positive in the sense that it prepares us for what is to come. We do not undergo it: we are at the origin of it“explains the specialist.
Stress: when should you say “stop”?
“When the stress begins to have repercussions on health, it is necessary to consult” recommends the psychologist.
In effect : stress can trigger or aggravate illnesses, psychological and/or physical: “stress is not only “in the head”: it is a state of mind which has very concrete consequences on health and which upsets the sympathetic nervous system in particular“.
Over time, we can see the development of psycho-somatic illnesses or related: psoriasis, ulcer, burn-out, depression… or even cancer, although the exact links between stress and cancerous disease are not clearly proven. “Stress is really harmfulit is a known and studied pathogenic factor: we must therefore not leave” emphasizes Antoine Spath.
The specialist therefore recommends consulting when stress leads to:
- Irritability, anger or abnormal susceptibility: we “take badly” everything that is said to us, we react (badly) at quarter turn, we are annoyed by everything and everyone…,
- Sleep disorders or insomnia: we “ruminate” in the evening and it prevents us from falling asleep, we wake up during the night, we can no longer close our eyes…,
- stomach aches,
- Headaches,
- Dermatological manifestations: itching, pimples, red patches, etc.
- Fatigue or exhaustion: it is difficult to stay focused during the day, it is difficult to accomplish daily tasks…,
- Nervousness: we jump at the slightest noise, we get worried easily…,
- Depression: we can no longer find taste for anything, we can no longer have fun…
Stress: who to consult? Faced with chronic stress that does not “pass”, you can make an appointment with a clinical psychologist, a psychiatrist or with your doctor. “Stress requires serious treatment: therefore, consult a professional“notes Antoine Spath.
“In addition to implementing relaxation techniques (hypnosis, sophrology…), the work will be centered around the feeling of powerlessness that accompanies the state of stress: it is a question of learning how to no longer undergo the stressful situation, to act for one’s well-being.“
thanks to Antoine Spathclinical psychologist in Paris.
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