Recently, an American study suggested that vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of suffer from a uterine fibroid. A new study (British, this time) shows that this “vitamin of the sun”, essentially useful for the absorption of calcium and for the proper functioning of our immune system, also plays an important role in the regulation of our blood pressure. . And if many women suffer from high blood pressure it may just be due to a vitamin D deficiency.
For this study, which has just been presented in Paris at the European Human Genetics Annual Congress, researchers from the University of London delved into the conclusions of 35 other studies including 155,000 people in Europe and America. North. The results of all these studies agree: the higher the level of vitamin D in the blood, the lower the blood pressure.
“To sum up simply, we are now sure and certain that there is a causal link between the two,” explained Dr. Vimal Karani, who led this British study. He adds “we are convinced that a vitamin D supplementation would reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in women while preventing the risk of osteoporosis. Enthusiastic, Dr. Karani is convinced that we are only at the dawn of discoveries about the effects on our health of a vitamin D deficiency. However, in Western countries, women are increasingly suffering from such a deficiency due to unbalanced diets and lack of sunshine. However, supplementation must be prescribed by the doctor because it may be contraindicated in certain cases (especially if you suffer from kidney stones or hyperparathyroidism).