After a successful diet, you necessarily wonder how to stabilize your weight permanently? In the firm, I often hear: I regained all my kilos, because I did not know how to stabilize my weight »! The famous stabilization period is a delicate passage for everyone. However, there are solutions.
Only weight gain accidental, occurring for the first time in a lifetime, is likely to regress thanks to a diet without ever relapsing. Also, gain back pounds after a diet is it running.
Data to know
In fact, most practitioners being genetically built to gain weight despite the new dietary pattern they have adopted, a person who needs to follow repeated diets to maintain or see the needle of his scale oscillate does not will have never finished with dietary guidelines.
The solution to permanently stabilize your weight would be to permanently change our eating habits to manage to adjust our consumption according to our energy expenditure.
Having gained weight due to this imbalance, we gain it back, because we return to a imbalance situation. Despite everything we learned during the diet, nutritional habits, family heritage, reflection of our personality, consequence of our socio-economic situation, come back in force.
However, if it is complex to modify an eating behavior, it is the only way to achieve stabilization. Hearing “modify eating behavior” means agreeing to ” constantly monitor your food to correct bad habits.
At a time and in a world where temptations are permanentwhat a cruel ordeal for people with a strong taste for food, for lovers of good things, to be forced to follow a diet.
As each of us has our own tastes, as “dietetic” very often rhymes in the minds of many with “sad and bland food”, the challenge to stabilize your weight definitively therefore consists (during periods of stabilization) in rediscovering the pleasure of eating without forgetting what you have learned… even endured.
Also, it seems useful to me to prolong the diet, not to make people suffer but to accustom to new tastes, new flavors, new culinary habits. For example, by replacing a cream sauce with a lighter one using cooking juices or cooking aids (products used to thicken juices, sauce bases, etc.).
It is therefore impossible for me to hide the truth on this subject: the stabilization being a long exercise and difficult, the only solution is to make it bearable by doing everything to become a good dietetic cook.
The easiest stabilization method
As soon as we realize that a gaining weight is almost inevitable if we go back to pre-diet eating habits, the scale becomes an ultra-precious tool for anyone who wants to avoid this trap.
Because the scales have changed a lot today: connected, they keep memory our weight for many years, which is an excellent indicator of our behavior.
That said, you can very well write down your own pounds in a notebook, on your computer, your smartphone, whatever, every week or twice a week, in order to check their progress.
Whatever happens, you should never notice a gain of more than 2 kilos, an absolute law if you want to maintain your ideal weight. In case of overrun, the solution is simple: resume diet the time it will take to return to the previous weight.
This method makes it possible to reconnect with an “almost normal” diet, provided that you are prepared to regularly follow diet slices of eight to fifteen days in order to compensate.
The half-time method to stabilize your weight permanently
Another option: at the end of a weight loss treatment (term determined when you have reached your target weight), consider yourself on a half-time diet. In other words, see yourself half the week on a diet, the other not.
This leaves much more freedom, since we can eat as we please part of the time, without being overwhelmed by excesses. And keeps the senses as well as the intelligence on the alert: the skids will be controlled because seen, understood and compensated.
The meal-by-meal method
Another solution, the “meal-meal”. This practice has long been used in hospitals; it consisted of telling the patient that once the diet was over, during each meal he should mix diet products with other more appetizing products.
Clearly: you can choose an attractive appetizer provided you then eat unseasoned meat accompanied by vegetables and a traditional dessert such as yogurt and fruit, all accompanied by a piece of bread.
Others will prefer a salad with meat and vegetables, lightly seasoned, and finish with a dessert of their choice.
Ultimately, the stabilization is only an approximate method, since the lockers are neither encrypted nor organized until the end of our days. Only permanent attention to your weight, possibly coupled with physical exercise, will keep it.
Stay in control!