Creativity and imagination are not limited only to artistic activities.
All children have imagination and are capable of creating. Whether through drawings, crafts or painting, but also during role-playing or the stories they invent. Allowing them to be bored encourages them to imagine and develop their self-confidence.
Why encourage creativity and imagination?
From the age of 2, children have a very active imagination which sometimes allows them to find answers to questions or to certain phenomena that they do not understand. It can also be very useful to reassure a child and help him face certain fears. Imagining that a stuffed animal can protect him from monsters during the night not only allows him to fall asleep more peacefully but also to develop his self-confidence.
Imaginary games also allow children to develop certain social skills by playing make-believe. Playing by imagining scenarios allows him to develop his empathy, his ability to listen and his understanding of the world around him.
How to help him develop his creativity and imagination?
Television and screens prevent children from having time to be bored. Yet it is boredom that allows them to invent a game to occupy themselves. By allowing them to take this time to activate their imagination, you help them to develop their creativity when they are alone but also with others.
To help him in his creativity, nothing better than letting the child play freely without imposing rules. Do not limit him by telling him that it does not exist or that it is not possible, and let him play with everything around him. Do not hesitate to show him the example by reading him stories that you have invented and by participating with him in his role plays or his artistic ideas.
Find out more: “The labyrinth of stories” by Madalena Matoso published by Nathan.