Reconcile with your sleep
Night sweats are gone … or almost. And yet, we have not regained our sleep of yesteryear. It is normal not to sleep exactly the same way at age 55 as at 25. Over time, the share of slow deep sleep decreases; we sleep in a more fragmented and shorter way. But that doesn’t prevent you from being in good shape the next day.
Mistakes to avoid
Rush on sleeping pills: cMedicines induce poorer quality sleep and can be addictive.
We don’t think about it enough
Respect your biological rhythm more : turn off all screens (computer, TV, etc.) at least one hour before bedtime and go to bed at the first signs of sleep (itchy eyes, yawning, etc.).
Calling on plants : Are chamomile and orange blossom herbal teas not enough? Eschscholtzia and valerian are effective in the form of EPS (standardized plant extracts) or SIPF (complete suspensions of fresh plants). In organic and health food stores.
Keep bones strong for a long time
The onset of menopause is accompanied by an acceleration of bone loss for five to ten years. But we can slow it down.
Mistakes to avoid
Being too sedentary : physical exercise is the best defense against osteoporosis. The mere act of standing strengthens the skeleton. The proof: in space, weightless cosmonauts demineralize at high speed!
Bet everything on calcium : swallow 3 dairy products a day, okay. But the excess of calcium can be harmful if it is not associated with sufficient doses of vitamin D allowing it to be absorbed well. As this vitamin is mainly produced by our skin under the effect of the sun, it is advisable to expose yourself for 15-20 minutes per day, in the middle of the day. Otherwise, it is better to check its rate and possibly be prescribed supplements.
We don’t think about it enough
Eat protein : essential to the bone “mesh”, they help to form the collagen framework which binds to calcium to form bone.
Treat vaginal dryness
When the production of estrogen stops, the epidermis thins, weakens and becomes dehydrated. And what is true for the skin is even more true for the wall of the vagina.
Mistakes to avoid
To judge that it is rather secondary, because we no longer have a sex life : the modification of the vaginal flora can promote infections, and the lack of lubrication cause atrophy, itching, permanent pain … signs that doctors group together under the term genitourinary syndrome of menopause.
We don’t think about it enough
Personal hygiene is never too gentle : this part of the body being “self-cleaning”, a little water is enough, without rubbing.
Lubricants do not hydrate : they facilitate intercourse, but they do not heal. Women who are not taking hormone therapy should also nourish and hydrate the vulva and vagina.
Extra tip
According to Dr. Marie-Claude Benattar, gynecologist, to pamper your femininity you need to hydrate your vagina regularly. Several options are possible:
-Hormonal eggs: Trophigil, Colpotrophin, Florgynal… (on prescription and reimbursed).
– Eggs based on hyaluronic acid: Cicatridine.
-Gels for long-lasting hydration that sometimes enter the vagina with an applicator: Replens, Monasens, Mucogyne …
– Eggs based on probiotics preserving the balance of the vaginal flora: Physioflor.
-More creams to apply on the vulva: Cicaplast if the skin is weakened, then Jaïlys, soothing and moisturizing, in daily maintenance.
Prevent joint pain
When menopause sets in, many women complain of diffuse pain in the hands, feet, arms … There are indeed estrogen receptors in the articular cartilages.
Mistakes to avoid
Think only rheumatism : osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis readily appear around this age and some examinations are not unnecessary. But if they don’t reveal anything, there’s no need to panic or undertake too much exploration. Only a dosage of vitamin D can be useful, as a lack can lead to muscle pain.
We don’t think about it enough
Fill up on omega-3s : Rapeseed oil, fatty fish contain this essential fatty acid, whose anti-inflammatory effect has been demonstrated.
Make magnesium cures : it contributes to the good health of the joints and the bones. We often absorb too little of it, but foods can provide us with it: almonds, oats, seafood, wholemeal bread …
To improve intimate comfort
A laser: called MonaLisa Touch, it aims to improve the condition of the lining of the vagina. The treatment is painless and leads to a reduction in symptoms from the first session. For maximum effectiveness, however, three sessions are needed, two months apart, then once every year. Better to talk to your gynecologist first. 600 to 700 € per session (not reimbursed).
A hormonal ring: these measures (Estring) diffuses estrogen for three months to maintain the trophicity (nutrition) of the mucosa. The patient puts it on herself and can remove it if she feels uncomfortable during intercourse. Already available in other European countries, this ring should soon arrive in pharmacies. € 39 (not reimbursed), issued only on medical prescription.
Read also :
DHEA would be effective in reducing symptoms of menopause
Diet: a treatment to prevent the loss of bone mass
Hormonal treatments for menopause and cancer risks: what is it really?