Learning sounds begins at birth. It is important for the baby because it allows him to develop his language later.
- A baby begins to utter sounds from the first month.
- This is important so that he can later develop his pronunciation of letters and words.
- After 3 years, a child should know how to pronounce multi-syllable words without making mistakes in consonants.
If your baby starts making sounds very early, it is to later develop the pronunciation of certain letters and of course words.
How does the learning of sounds evolve?
From the first month, the baby begins to gurgle with the vowels A and E, then around 6 months he begins to pronounce certain consonants like B and D. He can then make sequences such as da “Dadada” or “mememe”.
It is from about one year that the child begins to say his first words in general with two syllables like “papa” or “mama”. After 2 years, he can replace certain consonants with others, for example saying “sien” for “dog”.
After 3 years, he is able to clearly pronounce multi-syllable words without making mistakes on consonants.
Speech therapist: when should you consult?
If your child has trouble pronouncing certain words, he may still be learning. To do this, do not hesitate to pronounce the word correctly and let him repeat it if he wishes.
If after 3 years your child still has a lot of trouble pronouncing certain words or you notice that he makes the same mistakes on certain consonants, do not hesitate to talk about it with your doctor and possibly consult a speech therapist.
Find out more: “50 benevolent activities to better articulate” by Fany Wavreille.