It has been shown that music, which has enriched our personal life since the dawn of time, can also be beneficial in our professional life. What it can do to our brains is quite impressive.
Better learning
When you are at the office, it is good to relieve yourself with a little music. It has a pretty impressive effect on our brain, but needs to be listened to during strategic moments. When we are performing various tasks at the same time, the brain must analyze and focus for learning. When you listen to music, it also has to process auditory information.
The brain will very often associate instructions in strange ways or even make mistakes, causing poor learning. It is therefore best, if you are learning verbally or visually, to stop your music.
In a noisy workspace, the brain will draw energy to manage all the data that arrives. This increases your level of cortisol, stress and lowers your dopamine. These hormonal changes hamper executive function and your productivity may drop. In this case, listening to music can be beneficial because it will block the excessive entry of data into the brain and thus keep you calm.
Improving productivity
From various studies, it has been proven that a person who listens to music while performing repetitive tasks performs them faster and with fewer errors. This is because music releases your feel-good neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, or norepinephrine) and makes you relaxed and happy. So you are more productive and better focused. Music also plays a role in your social relationships, because if you feel better, you will be more respectful, more patient and more cooperative.
Listening to new music releases dopamine and makes you feel good. Music can therefore significantly impact your work. It also impacts your personal life and can help you change your mood just before you start an apprenticeship.
Read also: Music: a wide range of health benefits