Which care providers and organizations can help you?
Fatigue is a common complaint of illness. You can learn to deal with this by, for example, setting more limits and alternating relaxation with exercise. But you don’t have to do it alone. There are various care providers and organizations available that can help you with fatigue complaints.
(GP) doctor or specialist
Discuss your fatigue with your medical specialist if you are still being treated, or make an appointment with your GP. They can look at what is causing your fatigue and whether there may be a medical solution. Unfortunately this is not always the case. Then a specialist or GP can refer you to other healthcare providers who can help you feel fitter.
Physiotherapists can help you during and after medical treatment to feel fitter. They know what illness and treatments do to the body and condition, and what limitations you can encounter. Find a physiotherapist in your area with knowledge of your disease the website of the Royal Dutch Society for Physiotherapy.
A specialized psychologist can help you to cope with severe fatigue. For example by bringing more balance and structure to your life, or by accepting your limited energy more. They can also help you with psychological complaints that maintain or worsen fatigue, such as stress and depression. You can find a psychologist, for example, in the hospital or with your general practitioner (POH-GGZ). You can also contact an independent GZ psychologist or a psychologist who works at a mental health institution. Try to find someone who knows a lot about your illness.
Online guided help
The Helen Dowling Institute (HDI) developed an online therapy: Less Tired with Illness. This is a three-month online treatment based on mindfulness-based cognitive behavioral therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy addresses behavior and thoughts that influence and maintain your physical complaints. Every week you have online contact with a regular therapist from the HDI who guides you.
fellow sufferers contact
Do you especially need contact with fellow sufferers? It can be nice to talk to someone who, like you, suffers from severe fatigue from cancer. You can find fellow sufferers through the patient organization or national association for people with your specific disease.
This article was produced with the help of the Helen Dowling Institute. They are committed to the project Fitter at Illness for more awareness about fatigue during illness, and how people can feel fitter again.